Friday, January 11, 2013

Reviews Microtel Computer AMTI9041 Gaming Computer with 3.4GHz AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor, 12GB DDR3

I am used to building my own computers. But after my last attempt to build one with parts from amazon, reviving a lot of D.O.A. parts I took a prebuilt method. For the price you cant beat it. The same spec Microtel Computer AMTI9041 goes at the local computer store for 1,000 bucks.
Best Reviews For Microtel Computer® AMTI9041 Gaming Computer with 3.4GHz AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor, 12GB DDR3 1333mhz, 1TB Hard Drive 7200RPM, 24X DVD-RW, Nvidia 550 GTX-TI 1GB Video Card, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Full Version CD - 64 bit + WiFi
I have had this computer for about a week and it has been awesome!  This computer is sweet. The computer meets all the specifications listed on this page. I can run games smoothly and effortlessly including Diablo 3. The only time it lags is when there are big mob fights, but its so tiny you can't really notice it. And with the 12 gigs of ram I'm able to switch between programs in a breeze, its like instantaneous.

Also this Microtel Computer is a very good company for when I got my computer set up and running everything was already installed on it! I didn't have to go through installing Windows or filling out information, and plus they were nice and installed some free programs, like overclocking technology, anti-virus and spyware fighters, game booster, and they even installed Steam as well.
  • Microtel Computer® AMTI9041 Gaming Computer with 3.4GHz AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor, 
  • 12GB DDR3 1333mhz, 
  • 1TB Hard Drive 7200RPM, 
  • 24X DVD-RW, 
  • Nvidia 550 GTX-TI 1GB Video Card, 
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Full Version CD - 64 bit + WiFi. 
  • For Nvidia 650 GTX, SEE AMTI9091
* Microtel Computer AMTI9041 Gaming Computer Performance for the price - I seriously doubt you can get anything faster for the money we paid. The 4-core AMD Phenom II plus 12GB or RAM plus a not too shabby Nvidia 550 GTX for graphics make this handle everything with ease and grace. My kid is currently playing Diablo 3 at max res and max frame rate with a bunch of other things such as Skype running at the same time and everything is as responsive as when playing Solitaire. I have little doubt that you can buy faster computers if you paid more but I also have little doubt that this box can handle anything 'gaming' in existence today and probably anything likely to emerge in the next couple of years.

* Microtel Computer AMTI9041 Gaming Computer Features - I already mentioned the CPU, 12 GB of RAM which is more than what you normally get installed and graphics but add to that: built-in Wi-Fi (most off the shelf gaming computers in this price range don't have one), USB 3.0 ports, 1 TB or disk space. Oh, I almost forgot, the graphics card supports HDMI output (nice) besides VGA and DVI.

* Windows 7 - it screams on this box. Everything loads quickly and in the 2 weeks we've been using Microtel's machine... no crashes. I'm impressed.

* No crapware/bloatware. Unlike most off-the-shelf laptops/PCs, this one came with near-zero useless 'free trial' antivirus, money management and whatever stuff preloaded. I believe there was exactly ONE app we had to remove.

* 10-minute setup. We got everything running in about 10 minutes. The box comes with its own keyboard mouse but we never used them. We used our own wireless alternatives and they were recognized as the computer booted up for the first time, didn't have to do anything to configure them. Same goes for the monitor.

Of course, not everything is perfect but the 'not so good' parts aren't big enough to justify anything less than a 5-star rating. Microtel Computer AMTI9041 Gaming Computer Worth stating that the box looks a little 'cheap' but, given what we paid for this, I was expecting that. Besides, it sits under the desk so who cares what it looks like?

A more serious concern is the HDD I/O speed. It's a little slow (it's not actually 'slow', only slower than expected) but with 12GB of RAM, I don't foresee any issues whatsoever. I can't think of anything else that I could list as a negative.

These guys went above and beyond the call, and I highly recommend them.

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